Friday, November 25, 2005

Meeting with Prof. Shiba

Yesterday we had a meeting with Prof. Shiba, one of our mentors. The programme was organized for celebrating a major milestone we have achieved. With the prototype in hand we just crossed the very critical “Technical feasibility” stage. Now it is the time for "Market feasibility". This one starts with Observation of the customer - inside out. The golden rule, as taught by our mentor, is to observe "Periphery" before getting into the "center". And what is periphery? Everything else we usually pay attention to keep it in good shape. Peripheries are three, Physical, Psychological and Time. In our case production line is an example of "Physical" center and the stockyard is periphery. We will be evaluated on the basis of how we keep our stockyard in good shape. CEO is example of “Psychological” center where security staff is periphery. Today is “Time” center and 5 years before or after are periphery, future is more important, as you are having better control over it. We have to plan for next 5 years.

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